Site Suitability Analysis of South-West Delhi
Delhi, being the Capital of India, is one of the fast growing Cities in India. Delhi is providing source ofIndustrial Development, employment, better health care facilities and rapid urban development. Thus,people from nearby rural areas and other areas are rapidly coming to Delhi and settling here. This hasled to the Urbanization of the city both
SLAM-Based LiDAR Technology : New Era of Mapping Technology With the rising demand for autonomous systems and advanced robotics increases, technologies that enable precise navigation and mapping are at the forefront of innovation. One such groundbreaking combination is SLAM-based LiDAR technology, which has significantly advanced robotics, drones, self-driving cars, and more. This article explores the
Studying the Oil Fields of Digboi in Margherita Circle: Geology and GIS
Digboi being one of the most important places all over the world in the context of Petroleum and Oil Industry. Digboi, located to the northwest of Margherita, is famous for having the oldest operational oil refinery in Asia, established in 1901. While Digboi thrives as an industrial and historical town due to its oil heritage,
Plagiarism free Writing
© Sattam Chakraborty Plagiarism Free Writing: Importance or it’s prevention If you are content writer, you are also in a run to find new creative ideas. For your topic, you surf many websites, pages or blogs. Sometimes, you go for the Youtube videos to find your ideas for your work. But you never use those
Content Writing : Importance of the Quality
© Sattam Chakraborty The Art and Science of Quality Content Writing Writing is one of the most important tool to express ourselves. Nowadays, we use various Content Write-ups for Business proposals, academic research, for advertisements, and so on. These contents needs to be aim oriented, should properly communicate our interest, should be connected to the
Rights and Permission
© Sattam Chakraborty Understanding Rights and Permissions: Significance in Article Writing Nowadays, we tend to write new articles for our Research purposes, for business setup or academic write-ups. We use various sources of Internet platforms for research, documentation and reference. Often, we use the same Paragraph or use an Image from the source. But do
Identifying New Oil Reserves in India and Petroleum Technology
© Sattam Chakraborty Petroleum Technology is one of the most prime aspect of modern Exploration and Production business. When Petroleum studies meet with GIS Technologies it brings down the magic in Hydrocarbon Mapping. I have learnt most of GIS Technologies and Remote Sensing skills from Netra Institute of Technologies, Dwarka Delhi. They have made me
Vegetation of the World’s Oldest Refinery Area : Digboi and Margherita
Majority of the areas has Forests as Digboi Village Forest, Jeypore Rain Forest, Dhekijan Forest.
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